Sunday, August 18, 2013

First Day of School Jitters

School Eve

Seems very backwards to me tonight. Aren't the kids the ones suppose to be getting the first day of school jitters. I logged on to the AbcJesusLovesMe Facebook group and it seems I am not alone.

 I didn't want to set too much stuff up before school started so I had to do it all tonight. Thankfully the "principal" helped me. For now our school area is just where an end table or a small desk would go. I have much larger and grander plans in my head but this is what we will be working with for now.

There once was a rand office chair in the small opening making the bookshelf next to impossible to use. We have a calender, weather circle, season stage,weather buddy, Compassion Child info, Summer reading log, shape poster and child's desk.

It is now almost 11 o'clock at night and it just dawned on me that I never paid to have my bible story felts mailed back to me. I guess tomorrow we will be using our coloring pages and bible for the this weeks bible lessons.

Jitters, did we say jitters?  If you too are sitting on your porch reviewing at crazy hours just know that you are not alone. No you are not. Nor are you to be in control. Many of us have been called to be exactly where we are right now. That is what I am trying to remember through prayer and trust.

In the meantime I am going to sip some water and review one last time. My red rocking chair and the cicadas are calling my name.